Hello, I’m Kellie!

TRANSFORMATIONAL coach and mentor

I support everyday people to discover their unique soul gifts, so that they step into their highest potential, bringing their life, career, relationships and health into harmony.

do you want more?

More love, more fulfilment, more joy, more money, more freedom, more energy, more connection, more embodiment of your authentic self, more genuine relationships.

It’s totally normal to desire more for yourself and to want to create a life that lights you up. It isn’t selfish. It’s what you deserve and frankly, you shouldn’t settle for anything less!!

What we all ultimately desire is to be loved and accepted for who we truly are.

As your guide, my role is not to reinvent who you are - you are already complete, whole and perfect. My intention is to support you to bring out the truest and best parts of yourself that are already there, so that you can step into another level of yourself.

Clients come to see me for many reasons; To shift their perception of what they are currently experiencing, to gain clarity and guidance for a current life situation, to free themselves from self-limiting patterns of behaviour or thoughts, for physical and emotional healing and shadow integration, to gain insight into their purpose, gifts and talents, to turn their passion into a business, for a greater understanding of their own spiritual path and transformational experiences and sometimes they’ve just responded to an intuitive ‘nudge’ and the reason reveals itself during our time together. Working with me can create space for a greater sense of inner peace, clarity and vitality.

At first glance, my approach may not appear to be the obvious choice to get you to where you want to go or lead you to where you think you need to be. And while my approach may not feel like the fastest or direct route, I know that when you do the inner work and align to your Divine Gene Keys blueprint, it will be reflected in your outer world, and you will see impactful positive shifts in your life, career and relationships.

Your past doesn’t have to equal the future. It’s never too late to create something new.

The key to the happiness and inner peace that you’ve been searching for isn’t “out there,” but rather, you already hold all the power within you!! You were born with everything you need.

I support you to get out of your head and into your heart, using your Gene Keys chart! By doing so, you will develop a stronger connection to your authentic self, which will enable you to create a more fulfilling and vibrant future.

Your Gene Keys profile is the pathway to everything that you desire, and so much more!!



When you follow your design everything comes into alignment.

When we work together I want to get to know the REAL you, not the person who has been conditioned by a lifetime of ‘should’s’ and ‘could’s’.

What nobody tells us, is that we are all born with a unique divine blueprint that gives you all the answers to life’s BIG questions. What is your life’s Purpose? How can you overcome your greatest challenges? How can you create prosperity and abundance? What daily lifestyle habit will keep you in your highest expression? How can you form happy and healthy relationships? What are your unique gifts and talents? What work are you designed to do? What life lesson are you here to learn and heal? And how can you free yourself from your self-sabotaging patterns once and for all!!

Wouldn’t that information be priceless!

I love to support people to unravel the mysteries of their Gene Keys profile, so that they can connect with their authentic selves and feel confident to express who they truly are through their careers, relationships and everyday actions.

If you’ve ever explored these resources before, you’ve probably gone down the rabbit hole and come out more confused than you were going in!! It can be overwhelming.

I help you to breakthrough the confusion by breaking the information down into understandable, practical and actionable life tools that will guide you out of your struggles and into the flow of an aligned life. I am a 5/1 after all. I’m literally designed to do this!

So if you’re seeking CLARITY step this way.

Using your profile as a road map I will guide you towards your true north and a life of fulfillment. I can’t wait to share this magic and wisdom with you. Expect lots of ‘a-ha’ moments and breakthroughs!



    You were born to dream big, to desire to do something with your life that not only fulfils you personally and professionally but has a positive impact on the world.

    Perhaps you’ve felt this inner calling, but as you grew older your fears and insecurities stopped you from believing in your magic and doing the things you know will make a difference. You got stuck.

    Now is the time to ACTIVATE that inner knowing that you are made for more.

    ACTIVATE guides you through your Gene Keys Activation Sequence unlocking your full potential and providing clarity on your life’s work, your biggest life lesson, the main self-sabotaging pattern of behaviour that is holding you back, the lifestyle practices that will keep you in your highest expression, your core stability (the strong foundation of safety & confidence) and your life’s purpose.

    Working with your Activation Sequence can support you with your health, life, career, relationships, mindset, personal development and spiritual growth.


    Turn your desires into results. This is for you if there is something in your life that you want, but you are yet to achieve it. Maybe that’s soul-nourishing relationships, a fulfilling career, vibrant health or prosperity and abundance.

    I’m here to guide you in unearthing your unique essence, your gifts and genius, so that you can break free from your self-limiting behaviours once and for all and live a life that feels sustainable, purposeful and aligned to your unique magic!

    I’ve spent years purposefully learning some of the world’s most transformative tools and modalities; life coaching, Gene Keys, business coaching, mindset, human behaviour, naturopathic therapies, Time Line Therapy, manifestation practices, NLP and nutrition, meaning that together we can address all of your obstacles to success – we’re talking massive transformation here!!

    There is a reason that you are here, right now with this burning desire, it was meant for you. Now it’s up to you to make it your reality.

  • CLARITY//75 minute 1:1 Mentoring sessions

    These sessions are perfect for those of you who are feeling stuck, lost or at a crossroads. I tune into your energy, your guides and your higher self and relay advice, guidance and messages using Tarot cards. If provided in advance, I will also review your Gene Keys profile to assess if your shadow frequencies are impacting your current situation and provide you with practical advice on how you can shift the energy to improve your circumstances.

    Just one session can provide the clarity you need to move forward with powerful momentum. You may see your problems from a fresh perspective, allowing you to see the opportunities for change or growth.

    Here are some of my client’s comments following a Clarity session:

    “I received so much that was clarifying, uplifting and so helpful.” – Helena

    “My mind is blown by how incredibly accurate these gene keys are!! Not to mention your tarot too!! So many lightbulb moments.” – Melanie

    Please provide your birth details when booking.

    AUD $165

Meet Kellie

Hello, my name is Kellie Hansen

As a soulpreneur, wife, and mother, I understand the pressures of balancing multiple roles. From empowered businesswoman to nurturing mother, loving wife, caring daughter, and supportive friend, it can feel overwhelming! The weight of trying to juggle everything with limited time is a challenge many face.

I've been there. In the past, I was a workaholic, driven by success, money, and constant busyness. Then, burnout hit. Fatigue, illness, and anxiety became my teachers, leading me to a profound realisation. I took a step back and completely transformed my life. I delved into understanding the mind-body connection, now holding professional qualifications in Naturopathy, NLP, Time Line Therapy, Emotional Release Technique, and Life Coaching.

Through my own journey I've learned to listen to my body's wisdom, nurture its innate healing abilities through nutrition and lifestyle choices, and process emotions safely.

Discovering Gene Keys was a pivotal moment, reshaping my perspective on life by challenging beliefs, breaking negative thought patterns, and transforming unhelpful behaviours. Uncovering my true essence and life purpose brought a newfound confidence and a radiant authenticity. I stopped playing small and took responsibility for making my dreams a reality (no more waiting for ‘one day’).

Today, in my late 40s, I embrace and love every facet of my life, feeling deeply connected to others, nature, intuition, and my calling. By aligning my life with my Divine blueprint, I've learned to flow with life rather than trying to force it, allowing synchronistic opportunities, valuable resources, and soul-aligned relationships to come into my life to support me.

This sense of alignment and ease is what life should feel like for everyone.

Collaborating with me promises transformative, soul-enriching, and life-changing experiences. If you're ready to pursue your dreams and desires, I'm here to guide and support you at every step of your journey.


Our time working together…

“Kellie broke down barriers I didn't even know I had. I have blossomed into a confident business owner. What a feeling!”

My biggest transformation…

“Self-confidence! It’s changed everything.”

I believe Kellie’s superpower is…

“Facilitating transformation and instilling belief”

Three words to describe our time together…

“Warm, inspiring and supportive”

— jemma lee // social media manager at no idea agency

Our time working together…

“Kellie's coaching style has supported and challenged me just as I've needed, offering many 'aha' moments. Her programmes offer the time and space necessary for deep, long-lasting personal and professional improvement. Kellie's approach is professional, friendly and thorough and she has been fully committed to helping me create the change I wanted.”

My biggest transformation…

“Having the support to pull back and trust my guidance, knowing that when the time is right, I'll have the clarity to know the way forward.”

I believe Kellie’s superpower is…

“Meeting clients where they are at and taking them where they need to go.”

Three words to describe our time together…

“Deep. Connected. Life-changing.”

— NICOLE AMERY // occupational therapist at nourish & Connect

Our time working together…

“I chose to work with Kellie because she is positive, energetic and straight-forward. Her encouragement is honest.”

My biggest transformation…

“Untangling my web of thoughts.”

I believe Kellie’s superpower is…

“Supporting women to come into their own purposeful work and life”

Three words to describe our time together…

“Transformational. Caterpillars to butterflies”

— FIONA COCKBURN // yoga instructor at BLUE WREN YOGa

Our time working together…

“Kellie gently introduced new ideas/strategies that were appropriate to the outcomes I wanted to achieve and the values I hold dear. I have remarked since taking a break from sessions "It was so much easier with Kellie". Her warmth and sensitivity made it incredibly easy to explore new possibilities and the clarity that was cultivated throughout the process really shifted how I showed up in my life and business.”

What problem was resolved…

“Uncertainty about the next steps.”

I believe Kellie’s superpower is…

“Her enthusiastic approach and genuine appreciation for the services I offer”

Three words to describe our time together…

“Joy, Clarity, Power”


Our time working together…

“I explored my Gene Keys with Kellie for the first time ever this year. I had no idea what I was in for, but I knew it was something I wanted to explore. I love how Kellie simplified something that could feel overwhelming, how she held the space and took the time to consider the details of my profile. I love how much she allowed me to lead myself as well as guide me in moments I felt unsure. She left me hanging for more and I’m excited to continue my journey with her.”

How would you explain working with Gene Keys…

“It’s the blue print of your shadows and gifts, telling you the steps you take to get into your highest self .”

I believe Kellie’s superpower is…

“Asking great questions that reveal great answers .”

Rhi Thistlewaite // photographer

Our time working together…

“Kellie is professional, yet warm and supportive. I chose to work with Kellie because I wanted to have some ME time, dedicated to ME and not my business, and she offered the perfect space for me to have that.”

My biggest transformation…

“Goodbye procrastination. Kellie was able to guide me to my next steps, both in my business and personally.”

I believe Kellie’s superpower is…

“Our sessions were so AMAZING. I could literally burst into happy tears of relief, as everything Kellie said was what I needed to hear and so on the mark. Every single word lands and rings true. It’s incredible.”

One word to describe our time together…




imagine feeling comfortable TO BE YOURSELF, having the CLARITY to live life to the fullest and the confidence to make your dreams a reality.


reasons to work with me

  • Feel more aligned to your true self, embrace your uniqueness, discover your gifts and use them to create an abundant life and career that is anchored in your soul’s purpose.

  • Create physical, mental and emotional resilience so that you can tackle the challenges head-on when the going gets tough.

  • Learn how to recognise your emotional triggers, and release their emotional charge so that you can move forward without the baggage of the past.

  • Claim your wholeness; all of your light, all of your darkness so that you can step into the full spectrum of your magic.

  • Create safety in your body and regulate your nervous system, so that you feel safe to uplevel into the highest possibilities for your life.

  • Seize opportunities by overcoming self-doubt. Identify and consciously change your self-sabotaging behaviours so that you achieve your future goals with confidence.

  • Know your worth, be unconditionally proud of yourself and trust that you have everything you need to succeed.

  • You have a vision for how the world should be. You’re ready to step into your leadership role to create positive change. You know that the legacy you leave will impact the lives of future generations.

  • Learn how to work with your Divine design to magnetise opportunities, resources and relationships that will support you to fulfil your life’s mission.

  • Time is running out!! You are aware that if you don’t take action now on your dreams, then most likely they will never come to be, leading to regret in the future.


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PLUS you will immediately receive my FREE ebook –

CREATING A LIFE OF EASE - A step-by-step guide to creating a life that you love.

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