You were born to dream big, to desire to do something with your life that not only fulfils you personally and professionally but has a positive impact on the world.

Perhaps you’ve felt this inner calling, but as you grew older your fears and insecurities stopped you from believing in your magic and doing the things you know will make a difference. You got stuck.

Now is the time to ACTIVATE that inner knowing that you are made for more.

We all have unconscious fears and looping patterns of self-sabotage that prevent us from living to our full potential. During our time together you will identify the thoughts and behaviours that are holding you back, and will be given the tools to change these self-limiting habits once and for all.

Using your Gene Keys profile as your roadmap, ACTIVATE shows you how to achieve your goals using the path of least resistance, bringing you a greater sense of certainty, peace, purposefulness and fulfilment. You may notice improvements in your wellbeing, life, career, relationships, mindset, personal development and spiritual growth. Aligning your actions and mindset to your Divine design, can change the trajectory of your life towards the experiences you have always dreamed of.

This is a deeply supported 1:1 coaching and mentoring experience for everyday people who know that they were made for more, but don’t know what this looks like (yet!). Working together propels you into the next level of your personal and professional growth with powerful momentum, illuminating the truth of who you are and the positive impact you are here to have on the lives of others. The ripple effect of you saying YES! to your next level power and prosperity goes beyond your immediate environment, into your family, your community, your country and the world!


You are made for more. Even if you’re not believing it right now.

Knowing your PURPOSE will change all of that for you.

This is a truly holistic self-awareness journey that will extend beyond the magic of your Gene Keys profile. Using proven behavioural change practices, you will be able to identify and change your self-sabotaging behaviours and release any self-limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you.

Transformation on this scale doesn’t happen overnight. This is a four-month intensive experience that will provide you with the tools to implement change now and in the future, so that you can step into the highest potential that you are designed to live.

Everyone’s journey is unique however, during our time together you can expect to:

  • Become aware of your self-sabotaging behaviours, so that you can choose new ones that are in alignment with the life you want to be living.

  • Uncover your unique gifts and genius - which has the additional benefits of really knowing your value and worthiness.

  • Align your life with your Divine Blueprint (Gene Keys profile) so that you start to co-create with the universe, experiencing synchronicities, opportunities and flow.

  • Develop a deep awareness of who you truly are underneath the conditioning of familial, cultural and societal influences.

  • Clarify your purpose and the legacy you are here to share with the world.

  • Cultivate self-care practices that promote emotional, mental and physical resilience, so that you can radiate in your highest expression all of the time.

  • Shift from an intellectual understanding of your Gene Keys profile into an embodied way of BEing that allows you to live in your full unapologetic authentic expression (it’s very liberating!).

  • Learn to let go of the restrictions and limitations of the mind, to open yourself up to the unlimited possibilities that are available to you.

  • Trust your intuition and inner guidance above all else. It’ll direct you towards your true North.

  • Understand the bigger picture for your life; your relationships, experiences, career and finances. Notice how the inner work that you do creates positive change in all areas of your life.



For most people their Gene Keys profile feels overwhelming, vague or difficult to put into practice in real life situations. This is where I come in. I’ll help you to see very clearly how the different aspects of your Gene Keys profile may be playing out in your life, for good or bad. With this information you can then make changes that allow life to work for you, not against you.

You may find that the experience asks you to look at some ‘hard stuff’, but that’s all part of the journey and this is where you will have your biggest breakthroughs. This is when the powerful support and guidance of a mentor really pays off.

The truth is unless you know how to activate your Gene Keys profile, it remains dormant, and your gifts and legacy remain hidden from your conscious awareness. However, if you commit to the processes contained within this program, over time your soul talents and genius will be revealed to you.

If you would like support in the translation of your Gene Keys profile so that you can understand how it relates to everyday life and you would like to have practical tools for embodying its teachings, then I am the mentor for you.

I will share with you the processes that I have learnt throughout my own journey to support you to create a life that effortlessly flows with abundance and ease.

I bring to our work together a unique combination of transformational life coach, business mentor, mindset coach, manifestation coach, naturopath, soul mentor, plus my own lived experience as a seeker.

We’re talking about YOU stepping into your highest potential and making the impact you were born to make while creating joy and abundance both professionally and personally.



The ACTIVATE experience is for you if:

  • You are ready to create space in your life to do the work - at least 2 hours per week. The more space you create for contemplation and reflection the greater the transformation.

  • You are ready to take full responsibility for your life. People who are ready to leave their excuses at the door.

  • The dreamers who know that they were made for more but are not sure what that looks like (yet!).

  • You feel lost, stuck or at a crossroads. This program will give you the clarity you need to move forward with confidence and certainty.

  • You have a desire to help others but you’re not sure what to do and where you will have the greatest impact.

  • Anyone who doesn’t believe that they have a special talent to share (oh yes you do!)

  • You are willing to be vulnerable and to explore the deeper parts of yourself with compassion and love.

  • You have the emotional, physical and mental resilience to look at your shadows objectively, so that you can make positive changes to your thoughts and behaviours.

  • You are open to discovering that the person that you truly are may be different to the person you thought you were.

  • You’re tired of playing small and you're ready to bring your most authentic self to your work and life!

  • You’re aware that time is running out! You’re over wishful thinking. You’re ready to break-free from your limitations, to step into your most dynamic self and to take decisive action towards your goals.

here’s THE DEAL

ACTIVATE is a four-month one-on-one deeply supported mentoring experience that includes:

  • 8 x 75 minute online personalised 1:1 coaching and mentoring sessions, held on a fortnightly basis.

  • Access to all of my knowledge, resources, workbooks and processes to support you to experience epic breakthroughs and insights.

  • Option to add priceless ongoing support via VOXER throughout your journey, so that you can get real time support and guidance throughout your experience.

This program and level of support is valued at over $5,000 and the impact that it can have on your life is honestly invaluable however, to make this information and experience accessible to everyone, you can join ACTIVATE today for as little as $400 .

You can join this program at any time, however it’s important that I let you know that due to the high-touch support I offer to all of my clients, I only take on a limited number of enrolments at any one time. To avoid disappointment or delay book now while places are available.

To participate you will need to provide your birth date and location, and ideally your exact time of birth.

  • PAY IN FULL AUD$1,400


    Choose to pay in full up-front and save $200.
    An invoice will be sent to you following your booking.



    Start your program today for $400 followed by 3 x $400 monthly payments.
    An invoice will be sent to you following your booking.

  • PAY IN FULL AUD$1,999


    Includes additional one-on-one realtime support via VOXER (Messenger App.) Choose to pay in full up-front and save over $200.
    An invoice will be sent to you following your booking.



    Includes additional one-on-one realtime support via VOXER (Messenger App.) Start your program today for $550, followed by 3 x $550 monthly payments.
    An invoice will be sent to you following your booking.

step into soul-aligned purpose



WHAT are the gene keys?

The Gene Keys book, authored by Richard Rudd, is a synthesis of the spiritual teachings of the I Ching, Astrology and Human Design. The Gene Keys consist of 64 behavioural archetypes, and 11 of these archetypes is found in your Gene Keys Profile.

In the Gene Keys, the central premise is that every Shadow contains a Gift, so we must begin by looking into the nature of the Shadows within us in order to get to the hidden Gift inside.

The Gene Keys are a living transmission, which unlocks your highest potential through a deep inner journey of contemplation. This experience can trigger profound illumination of the core beliefs you have about yourself, thus bringing about a whole new level of self-awareness.

Each Gene Key in your Profile is a portal into the depths of your soul. - Richard Rudd




Sessions can are held on a regular fortnightly basis and you have four months to complete the program. Extensions are granted under specific circumstances.



My services are available world-wide online, thanks to the magic of Google Meet.



There sure is!

You can invest with a $400 deposit followed by 3 x monthly payments of $400 (total investment $1,600) or if you want next-level support and guidance, choose the Voxer option of 4 x $550 per month and get messenger access to Kellie throughout your program.



I’ve poured my heart and soul into this work. I know from personally embodying these teachings and the results I’ve witnessed from the countless clients that have already completed the program that it has impact. However I cannot guarantee your results.

If you want to maximise the experience of this program you have to commit to creating ample time and space to do the work and consistently show up for yourself. I can’t do the work for you, but I’m here 100% to help you every step of the way.

It takes time to change a lifetime of self-sabotaging patterns and to fully embody a new way of being, and therefore results can take longer for some of you, but know that what you learn in this experience will support you for the rest of your life. If you do nothing, you will stay where you are. Change begins with the decision to start!! So, are you with me?



It is the culmination of everything that you learn and achieve in this program that gets lasting, life-long results therefore, I do not offer refunds if you change your mind part way through (no one has ever done this!). I know that you are going to love this program and will get massive lifelong value, if you show up and do the work. I know for some of you, that it can be a big deal to sign up to a program like this one, so I recommend booking in for an introductory Gene Keys session first to introduce you to the Gene Keys and the way that I work, to see if this is going to be a good fit for you. To book your clarity session CLICK HERE. Cost $90.